FRC Systems Equipment

Oil- Water Separators

FRC Systems
Wastewater Equipment

Oil- Water Separators

Oil-Water Separators (OWS) are used to recover and separate oil from water. Typically, the oil-water separation process allows for the oily water to sit undisturbed until oil globules begin to float. For years, American Petroleum Institute (API) separators have been the de facto solution for oil separation, but advances in technology and process design have introduced more cost-effective methods. FRC engineered its OWS design, the Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI), upon these technological advancements.

CPIs can be used in a variety of applications; from straightforward oil and gas oil-water separation to more complicated oil recovery in various food and beverage and general manufacturing applications. Some of the factors that go into designing an OWS range from the specific gravity of oil, size of oil droplets, temperature, salinity, and the consistency of the oil loading and hydraulic throughput.

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